Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Change is in the Air

Change is literally in the is cold. This morning heading out for the walk I was struck by a cold slap to the face. After retreating back and searching for the hat and gloves, I pressed on. But it was still cold.

Yesterday was cold and rainy (though it didn't rain on me), today was cold and clear, tomorrow...well who knows for sure. That's the thing...change is always...well...changing. The leaves that once were so green and lush now crinkle under foot. Cars were actually were covered with icy frost when yesterday they looked like they were going to float away. Yesterday the clouds seemed to be hovering over the much so that it was hard to distinguish the land from the sky. Change really is changing.

Because today was so cold and clear, I could look up into the sky...albeit a completely black sky. But there like pin holes through a black sheet, the stars that make up the constellation Orion. I remember the first time I ever put those stars together like a "dot to dot" drawing. There was his belt and his bow just glaring out at me as a young kid. All the times I had seen it before it just looked like a random pattern of stars. But once someone pointed it out to me...well I just got it...I saw it. I have seen it ever since. I have been in Europe, Central America, South America, and all three countries of North America..and in every place...I have seen him. There he is...aiming that bow...pointing it maybe at the scorpion that legend says took the great hunter down. He never really changes...oh his position and direction may change...but he remains the same.Sooooooooo....what your telling me is that somethings change (like the weather)...and some things stay the same (like Orion). Someone said the the more things change the more they stay the same. But it seems change is always changing, and same is always same. There is a constant in all things, but there is a change in all things. I think I like it. Change is in the air...but there is air.

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