Monday, September 22, 2008

The Steep and Narrow Path

Well, it's Monday and I didn't walk today...but for a legitimate reason. Tracey and I drove to Seaside OR yesterday after church (about a 2 hour drive) to visit some of our most dear friends in the whole world who were in for a little RandR. Their names are Mo and Kranky (obviously their real names). Now we hadn't been together for a while so we spent most of our time just catching up on our lives and families and stuff. Just a wonderful time together.
And then Tracey brought up politics...
Well it was clear we were on different pages at this point in the game, but it was a very civil debate and quite informative. What we came away with was that no matter what we may like or dislike about our respective candidates, we both agreed that this was A) the most exciting presidential race in a long time, and B) that both of these men were men of integrity, and C) that both of these men were very inspiring.
Well we had a great time together, and we stayed the night, got up real early and headed home for work (thus the no walking). But on the way home, I was captivated by this idea of lives of inspiration. Who are the people that really inspire me? Well I can tell you that two of them are Mo and Kranky. Both of these guys are cancer survivors who have had to deal with very difficult and trying circumstances in their lives. When I think of people enduring hardships I can't help but think of them. When I think of my life and the "suffering" I have had to endure, it seems so trivial and minute.
You know, there are lots of people out walking around today who are not recognized by us as heroes. Some people may seem to be ordinary old people who are pretty "normal." But they have inspirational stories of courage and bravery to rival any that we may hear about in presidential ads. Enduring difficulties makes us stronger. Just like Mo and Kranky. You guys inspire me.

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