Monday, September 1, 2008

Yes But It Is A Monday

It's Monday. The alarm on my iPhone still goes off in anticipation that I am going to leap out of bed and head out walking. But today is a holiday. It is a day to honor all of those who work hard among us by giving them a day off. They call it Labor Day. My guess is that some accountant decided that it would be cheaper just give these people a day off than it would be to give them a raise. But none the is a holiday.
It has become a really important time of the year. School begins and summer ends. Churches ramp up their ministries. Politicians attack the other political party...oh wait that happens all the time. But it is a transition time for many people. 
It is also an important transition time for me as well. Laying in bed I was wondering what to do. Do I honor the holiday or do I get up and walk? Do I continue my new regiment of walking and writing?  Do I tell God that I will not be joining him this morning?
Well when you put it like that, what else could I do?
The decisions that we make tend to cast long shadows. When you look back you realize you are a reflection of those decisions.

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