Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Who'd Of Ever Thunk...

Wow, what an amazing thing we have witnessed. I mean really...think about where we have come from. No really, I don't care what your political views are, this is really significant. I remember hearing about JFK having to defend the fact that he was a Catholic and overcoming that stigma to become President.
I am just old enough to have spent much of my youth watching the struggle of people of African descent trying to gain the freedoms promised to them under the Constitution. I watched on the news as men and women were beaten on the bridge. I was stunned to see those tragic images of MLK being assassinated. I have had many friends express to me the struggles of being a black man in America. Overwhelmingly, they shared the difficulty of knowing what America stands for, the ideals and principles, and yet the harsh reality of knowing much of that was not available for them. I have no frame of reference for understanding completely what they sense and know as reality in America (other than being the lone Dem in an all Rep office :)).
So for me, to see the faces of black men and women weeping in joy just got me...I mean tore me right up. Mothers and fathers, who had told their kids that in America you could be anything you want, were right. I can't help but feel so proud of being an American.
Now don't get me wrong, I am also old enough to know that making great speeches and making lots of promises is the easy part. Doing something is the hard part. Maybe I am naive, maybe foolish, maybe just stupid...but my hope in America is renewed. My hope that we can change is restored. Maybe President Obama will be a total bust...I hope not. But maybe...just maybe...we can be better...if I don't believe that...

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