Friday, February 20, 2009


Ouch! Man, I hate it when that happens.
I hurt my knee this morning. I didn't do anything to it...didn't twist it...didn't fall on it...didn't do anything out of the ordinary to make it hurt. I started out like I do most mornings, full of vinegar and ready to be schooled by Him. But this morning about a quarter mile into my walk...pain. I hate pain...but I usually am one of those people that just pushes through pain...even if my leg were falling off I still keep dragging. But this was a sharp and very prevelant pain.
About then, I came to a cross roads of sorts. Now if I turn back now, I could nurse this thing back the short quarter mile. If I keep going it means no turning back and I have to go up and over my big hill. Drag on Limpy boy...its what I do.
So as I crest the hill, the pain is at its someone shot an arrow into it. I keep pressing on and somehow the pain subsides. It must have been the adjustments I made to my stride, or the way I way I angled my back as I walked. It was kind of embarassing walking that way but somehow it reduced my pain level. I was thankful that I didn't see any other walkers this morning...they can be so cruel. One little weird walking pattern and they think your weak. But I was safe this morning.
As I press on, the minister of funny walks (have to go way back to "Monty Python's Flying Circus" for that reference), I notice now my back is hurting...then my my neck is hurting....what's the deal? I didn't do anything wrong and now I've got pain everywhere. Oh sure I could have turned back...but lets face would have thought I was a wuss if I had. I pressed on, made some adjustments along the way, compensated for my pain and now my whole body is messed up...whats up with that?
Then He spoke to me. I wasn't really going to listen...honestly I was a little mad at Him for not just fixing me. Now I have all these other pains and aches.
"Don't you see?" he says.
"See what?" I says. "I see I am limping and hurting and aching and and and...."
"Wuss" he says. "All around you are other walkers who are hurt and walking in pain...and you are one of those walkers who look at their walking style and criticize it...somehow thinking you are better than them."
"Huh?" I says "Whatchyou talkin bout Willis?"
"You have no idea what pain people are in as they walk. They have to make adjustments...they have to compensate for the pain they feel and as they creates other pains."
"ME????" "I do that?" "Surely not me!" "Okay...well...maybe just a little bit."
He was right...I hate that when He's right...I should be used to it by now...He is usually right.
Why do we do that? Why do we see someone limping around and we want to pounce on them? It hurts to face the truth about ourselves.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

wow what a great insight into the walk of life Bill! I guess the big question is where do people go to get their "kinks" work out? I know where I go!