Saturday, December 20, 2008
We Are Almost There
Thursday, November 27, 2008
And Now For Something Completely Different
First she checks the weather to see what the temp is was 30. Then she has to get her walking attire just right...a couple of outfit changes and she's finally ready to go...15 minutes later...I'm starting to have my doubts about this.
But she is finally ready to go and we head out into the cold. So we head down the street and the very first thing she does is try to hold my hand. Now trust me...I love holding my wifes hand...always have always will...but not when we're walking walking. So I have to tell her no...I'm having serious doubts about this now. But we keep walking...and she is talking. Now trust me...I love to hear my wife talk. She has kept us in many conversations over the years when I'm ready to pack it in and head for the cave. But while I'm walking walking?
Walking for me is a very solitary endeavor. It is about quieting my mind and heart and listening for God. But this woman...doesn't know quiet...she likes to be together and when together talk. I am really having extremely serious doubts about this joint venture.
As we approach the hill she says "you would probably have preferred to walk by yourself...right?" I thought for just a second and said "no...I wanted to walk with you." That was the right answer. It has been the right answer for almost 32 years. You see, I know me. I know what I am like...and frankly...left to my own devices I would be a wreck...a shipwreck. But Tracey has been the steady presence in my life...not the quiet presence...but steady.
God has used her over and over again in my life to cause me to come out of the cave and enjoy the sunshine. Like God, I know she will always love me...despite the who I am. So I am thankful for many things this day...but I am most thankful for the wife God gave me in my youth.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
What is it about me...well about most Seinfeld would say "What's the deal with people..." It seems as soon as we find something really worthwhile in our lives...we seem to end up drifting away from it. It seems we are a whole world full of ADD people who can't stay focused on anything for longer than 13 minutes.
Let me give you some examples.
Walking- I love to walk in the morning. I am awake just get up and walk. I love it when it is nasty weather cause I get to break out all my gear from years of being in foul weather while backpacking and climbing...its as much fun as walking. I love walking cause I get to listen to music, connect with God, and get some much needed excercise. Who wouldn't want to do that? Well many days...I don't.
Relationships- why is it the people you feel most close to, we end up taking them for granted. I think about how easy it is to slowly drift into complacency in our most vital relationships. That is so easy for us to do that. Even with the most famous and powerful person who ever walked the face of the Earth, Jesus Christ, people drift away from him all the time...I hate that.
Eating Right- trust me...this is one I know intimately...I do really well for so long and then I find myself eating bigger portions and the wrong stuff. I mean I have never met a pile of potatoes I didn't like. Really, you know what your doing is wrong and will only hurt you...but please can I have a second helping of those spuds please.
It really bugs when I find myself drifting...I seem to set goals just so I can drift away from them. A slow self destruction.
But this morning...I walked hard. I mean fast and consistent and launched my self up the was great. I was determined to not drift again. I am determined to follow the rules for eating right. I am determined to have a great day with Jesus and Tracey...and everyone else I encounter today...God help me...
"Hey are you going to eat those potatoes?"
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Morning Was...Damp
I tried to look for positive and hopeful things this morning, but I have to was hard. I realized I am sad. I am...try to deny it...but I am. I should have known when I picked my music for the was Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova. I saw these guys perform when we were in Ireland...they were in that movie "Once." The music is...well...sad. So why am I sad? I mean really...shouldn't I be the happiest person on Earth. I have a great wife, a great family, super great grand kids, a great job, a great house and yard, a great shop, great cars, great life is great. And yet I'm sad. Like the fog enveloping me as I walked I am enveloped in sadness. As I walked I asked God for forgiveness for being sad...I mean doesn't this mean I'm not trusting him? Isn't this a lack of faith? Shouldn't I rejoice in all circumstances? I heard an answer...I mean it wasn't an out loud answer...but an answer.
God told me this morning that my sadness is normal, and completly human. It is much the way Jesus felt when his heart was broken by those who should have known him and yet didn't. He felt a form of sadness...and I do too. I'm sad because of all the pain that people are experiencing these days. So many good godly people who trust God are loosing jobs and really struggling. If people have not lost jobs they are living with the prospect that it could happen any day. It's really bad. It makes me sad.
I am not a man without hope...but it is really hard right now. I just gotta keep walking!
Friday, November 14, 2008
It's Just A Block Or So...
Well last night Tracey and I were going to a surprise party for one of our friends...we'll call her Amy...cause thats her name. So our other friend...we'll call her Heather...cuz....well you know...tells us to park at her house and we'll walk over to Amy's house so our cars won't be visable. Great idea...except we don't know where either of them live. So Heather is this really spunky outdoorsy girl who has more energy than a nuclear power plant, but we agree to go.
Now mind you, I'm going to a party. I've got my dress up big boy shoes on, and my dressy party shirt with the sleeves rolled up for a little extra cool, and my slightly tightly jeans...oh I'm stylin. So of we set into the brisk November night, walking at an even brisker pace. Now it is a really beautiful night, full moon, clear and bright, you know those perfect fall nights, great night for a stroll. That's what I thought...for the first couple of blocks.
After a half a mile of brisk pace in the party clothes...I'm starting to feel a little...well...tired. My feet are sore and my pants are clingy...but Tracey seems to be doing fine, and Heather is just bolting ahead. We keep moving...I do have a shread of dignity left. We get to where I think Amy's house is and we just keep moving. We finally arrive at the house...oh's like a mile. My feet are swollen inside my shoes, legs are tight, I'm cold, and not really in the mood for a party. But we pull off the surprise and Amy is was really cool.
After lots of laughs and stories, Heater the Dynamo says..."Gotta Go" and off she goes...IN HER FRIENDS CAR!!! We hang out a bit and then decide we should go too. All of these young people...obviously concerned about us old people...offer to graciously drive us back to the car. And then...just then...the battle that middle aged people everywhere have to face...are you really "as young as you feel". I...the I inside me...still feels like I'm 18. But my feet and my legs were feeling more like 53. But off we set on the return a couple of young kids...we even held hands.
Cold, tired, needing to pee, feet throbbing, we arrive back at our car. We make it home and plop down on the couch. It gets you thinking you know. When did we get middle-aged. Wasn't it just yesterday we were 27. Where did that time go? How did we get here? 53 years old and walking two miles in big boy party shoes. What's next...Bermuda's and black socks...and those damned party shoes.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Okay, Let's Get On With It
But it seems life in the church is a little less back to normal. Many of my friends are plotting how to rush out and buy a supply of guns, storing up food, and bracing themselves for the complete unraveling of America. Not to mention what will happen to our churches as a result of the "godless democrats" who are now at the reins of this sinking ship called America.
The whole thing got me thinking about life in the early church and how they might have responded to all of this. I'm sure the Zionists would have been gathering up their arms (swords, spears, etc) and preparing for the worst. The Greeks would be philosophizing about the dangers and unfounded and irrational fears that people would be experiencing. You sounds like they may have responded like we would.
So imagine their pastor...realizing all of his flock is freaking out ...thinking how am I going to rien in all of these extremists. So he drafts a letter and says something like this. "Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king."
Why doesn't he try to feed the rebellion or get them rallied around the cause to stand against the regime? Instead he tells us to relax and do good. Don't get so uptight. We all know our real citizenship is not in this why get so upset. It seems that back when Peter was the pastor, his people acted as if the government was in control of their silly.
You know, it's good advice for us as well. Even if it were true that President elect Barak Obama was a Muslim terrorist loving baby killing gun stealing anti christ America hater, he is now our President. He is our countries equivalent of a king. Peter says you better honor him. So that would include not making snide and rude comments about the man or his family. That means we can't tell our friends that he is something that he is not. Slander, libel, defamation of character, all would get you killed in Peter's day. causes death as well...but it is more a death to intimacy with God, connection with other Christ-followers, and an ability to reach out to all of those who think differently than we do.
Peter the pastor also wrote this, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy."
Come on folks, lets be reasonable. God is still in control...He knows what He's doing. Let's just keep focussed on what we need to do and let God be God.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Who'd Of Ever Thunk...
Wow, what an amazing thing we have witnessed. I mean really...think about where we have come from. No really, I don't care what your political views are, this is really significant. I remember hearing about JFK having to defend the fact that he was a Catholic and overcoming that stigma to become President.
I am just old enough to have spent much of my youth watching the struggle of people of African descent trying to gain the freedoms promised to them under the Constitution. I watched on the news as men and women were beaten on the bridge. I was stunned to see those tragic images of MLK being assassinated. I have had many friends express to me the struggles of being a black man in America. Overwhelmingly, they shared the difficulty of knowing what America stands for, the ideals and principles, and yet the harsh reality of knowing much of that was not available for them. I have no frame of reference for understanding completely what they sense and know as reality in America (other than being the lone Dem in an all Rep office :)).
So for me, to see the faces of black men and women weeping in joy just got me...I mean tore me right up. Mothers and fathers, who had told their kids that in America you could be anything you want, were right. I can't help but feel so proud of being an American.
Now don't get me wrong, I am also old enough to know that making great speeches and making lots of promises is the easy part. Doing something is the hard part. Maybe I am naive, maybe foolish, maybe just stupid...but my hope in America is renewed. My hope that we can change is restored. Maybe President Obama will be a total bust...I hope not. But maybe...just maybe...we can be better...if I don't believe that...
Monday, November 3, 2008
A Cluttered Landscape
This morning as I was walking, I wondered just how effective is the sign in front of our houses. Does it create more exposure for the candidates (like these people need more of that)? it really intended to make each person take a stand on who they are choosing. Do I need to take a stand on which candidate I am choosing? Will my neighbors say "Oh look...Bill is voting for Barak McCain...maybe I'll change my vote and vote for him too." I just don't see it happening. Most people have decided in the quiet of their home who they are going to vote for, and despite eight billion negative ads, 40 debates, and countless speeches, most people's mind are already made up...even undecided's know...they just don't want to say.
To me, it is even more weird how people change when you begin to discuss politics. I spend most of my time speaking with other followers of Jesus. It is amazing to me how loving and compassionate we can be to those who are far from God, unless their politics differ from ours. I have seen kind loving people who really want to honor God, turn into foaming at the mouth rabid attack Badgers, ready to tear you up and spit you out if they find out who your voting for. I don't get it that important? Is it worth causing all those hard feelings and divisions in the Church? Do you think it really matters who is in the White House? The best government in the world (which I believe we have) still can't save one person for all of eternity. Have we cluttered the lines between our will and wishes and the fact that no matter who is in office, God will reign supreme. And even if the new President leads our nation into the very gates of hell, my life is still secure in the arms of my Father. It is amazing how trials and tribulations have produced amazing men and women of God throughout the world and throughout the ages. A really bad president chould ignite the Church into action...too bad that has to be the case.
Please people...don't let the signs on our lawns clutter up our perspective as well as our landscapes. The race for president will be over tomorrow...but the RACE...the real one...will continue.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Into Darkness
Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm walking through the wilds and all of the nocturnal killing animals are lurking in wait for me. I mean I am walking on lighted streets through my neighborhood.
But there is that one section. It is where the lighted streets end and the new neighborhood is not quite done. There are light poles...but no light. It was a really a really weird moment...I was...scared for just a moment. I was surprised that I was must be because I am 53 now...when I was young I wouldn't have hesitated one second. But today...for just that moment...I was afraid of the dark. It troubled I getting
On the rest of the walk, I kept mulling this over in my know...meditating about this. In my hu-MAN-ity, I think I should not be afraid of the darkness. It calls into question my manhoodness. I don't like it. I can over come anything.
But in my spirit...I think I should be afraid of the darkness. Maybe what we call fear is actually the Spirit's voice saying "don't go in there." It's like when you go to a scary movie and someone invariably shouts out "don't go in there fool." Darkness always represents danger throughout the is danger...and ultimately death. The Spirit says stop, slow down, danger is approaching...and yet I rarely even pause. I go blasting into the darkness....and then I realize...I forgot to bring the Light with me. Now thankfully...the Light always goes with me. But in those moments when the Spirit is I listen...or do I trust my instincts?
A healthy fear of the dark would do us all some good.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Steep and Narrow Path
And then Tracey brought up politics...
Well it was clear we were on different pages at this point in the game, but it was a very civil debate and quite informative. What we came away with was that no matter what we may like or dislike about our respective candidates, we both agreed that this was A) the most exciting presidential race in a long time, and B) that both of these men were men of integrity, and C) that both of these men were very inspiring.
Well we had a great time together, and we stayed the night, got up real early and headed home for work (thus the no walking). But on the way home, I was captivated by this idea of lives of inspiration. Who are the people that really inspire me? Well I can tell you that two of them are Mo and Kranky. Both of these guys are cancer survivors who have had to deal with very difficult and trying circumstances in their lives. When I think of people enduring hardships I can't help but think of them. When I think of my life and the "suffering" I have had to endure, it seems so trivial and minute.
You know, there are lots of people out walking around today who are not recognized by us as heroes. Some people may seem to be ordinary old people who are pretty "normal." But they have inspirational stories of courage and bravery to rival any that we may hear about in presidential ads. Enduring difficulties makes us stronger. Just like Mo and Kranky. You guys inspire me.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Walk Humbly My Friend
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Walk Back in Time
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Check List for a Great Walk
- A really good pair of shoes makes your feet feel so good. CHECK
- A really good iPod (or iPhone in my case) to get your groove on. CHECK
- A really good set of music on the iPod (Jason Mraz this good). CHECK
- A beautiful crisp morning, when your face feels really cold...perfect. CHECK
- A flock of ducks and geese flying over head reminding you of far off places. CHECK
- Another beautiful moon sinking into the Pacific Ocean. CHECK
- A great hill to get your heart pumping. CHECK
- Another blazing sun rising from the east. CHECK
- An encounter with an Ostrich...WHAT THE....AN OSTRICH?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Oh My Goodness
Monday, September 1, 2008
Yes But It Is A Monday
Sunday, August 31, 2008
A Short Sunday Walk
Friday, August 29, 2008
Two Short Walks
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Two Roads Diverged
I am no more out the door when a huge flying V of Canadian honkers come screaming over my head at mach speed making a ton of noise. I immediately said to God "is this it Lord? You want me to write about this?" I could hear him chuckle and even snort just a bit...I swear I heard Him say "chill out just a little dude...if I gave you something now, you'd just go right back inside. Walk a'll see." Doh!!! I'm such a dolt...especially cause He was right.
So I keep walking. I make the usual loop and head up the hill. The hill has become kind of a symbol for me. I now glide up it pretty effortlessly, but that wasn't always so. I used to try and find ways around know so I wouldn't get too out of breath. But now, it's a cinch.
But today I get to the top and I notice that the road that continues on...past the houses...out of the bounderies of my seems intriguing...I pause to decide whether to go out of bounds or to stay where it is familiar and safe. I notice that the low clouds that can roll in from over the Coast Range are beginning to bring with it some showers...light rain...but rain none the less. In that moment, I go left. I stay on the path that I know. Wouldn't want to get my shoes dirty...slip aroung in the mud and all. I took the one most traveled by.
So as I am walking along the edge of the wild if you will, I start to hear a little whisper...a faint little voice beckoning me to the wild places...I think about the movie "Into the Wild" and all the experiences the guy goes through...all the lessons he learns. I think about how wild my own life used to be. I think about spending a month backpacking through the back country of Yosemite by myself and all I learned about myself and about who God really is. And then I thought about my decision to go play it safe. What was I really worried about? Was it the time commitment? My schedule? Getting breakfast?
I felt God tugging at my heart to break out and do something that requires great faith and trust. To not just play it safe...try something new.
And then...just as I am rounding the bend and heading towards the home stretch...there in the sky...a reminder that God has always had a plan...he has always had a promise. If you will trust me and go into the wild with me...I will be with you and protect you. There before me was a full arching rainbow spanning from the wild placed I did not go and seemingly resting on my home.
God's voice was a little bit louder when I heard Him say "dude, I am with you where it is safe, but it is way more fun out in the wild places. Which road do you want to walk on?"
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A Special Day
Monday, August 25, 2008
What in the Who-Haw?
My iphone was sitting next to my bed beeping at me incessantly. I reached over and wondered what in the who haw was it ringing for. It wasn’t an early morning phone call, but an actual alarm. For ten weeks now that alarm has not rang once, but today it began ringing again (see my sabbatical journal). Without thinking I did what I usually do when it won’t go off…I got up. It has become kind of a sacred ritual to get up, find something to wear, pull my shoes on, grab my headphones and the incessant beeping machine and head off walking.
I know, a truly spiritual person would have kneeled down and prayed for an hour and meditated on the Bible. I so appreciate hearing about that from really spiritual people. It always makes me feel so good to know that they are out there doing that…and frankly making everyone else feel badly for not doing it themselves. But that’s not really how I relate to God…don’t get me wrong, I read my Bible (well mostly my online Bible) and I pray. But the times I fell really close to God are when I am listening to music and trudging up and down the hills around my neighborhood.
My friend Gary Thomas wrote a book called “Sacred Pathways” describing the many different ways one relates to God. Mine has always been in nature. I often feel so confined in my thinking about God when I’m in a building trying to worship and connect with God. But just step outside and baaboom! There He is.
This morning I was listening to “Sermon on Exposition Blvd” by Rickie Lee Jones. It’s a really great story of one person’s quest to find God in their own unique way. It has been my story all these years. Feeling as if I am never quite right, a little left of center, an odd duck if you will.
And yet, when I walk and see all that is ahead of me and all that is behind me. I stop and look off into the far horizons, catching a glimpse of Mt Hood, sun poking through the clouds, Rickie singing sweetly in my ears, I just know God is right there with me enjoying the time together. He likes the view from up there too.